In our light absorptive electronic shade systems, a dichroic guest dye is added to the liquid crystal host. The dichroism of the dye results in an absorbance that is orientation dependent. These dyes are specifically designed and fabricated to have a tight alignment with the liquid crystal host. Therefore, reorientation of the host by an applied field results in a reorientation of the dye and a subsequent change in the absorbance of the system. In effect, the system behaves as a molecular version of a blind. Non-polarizer based systems have advantages over conventional polarizer-based systems in that they offer the opportunity to shift the transmission window as needed. For example, for eyewear applications, the mixture can achieve clear state transmissions of > 70% which is not achievable by polarizer-based systems.
Fast - less than one second, allows for instantaneous switching of color contrast
User has exact control over brightness of the color tone by changing the power
Utilizes a 8 -24 Volt system for switching the contrast
Wide variety of color tones to design and choose from for your specific application
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